Use a simple postcard for your direct mailings. It is cheaper than purchasing a separate envelope for your insurance marketing materials. In addition, you can print large quantities of postcards for a very inexpensive and cost-effective rate.
People are bombarded with advertising; add a personal touch to your direct mail insurance marketing by placing your photo on your marketing materials. Whether you like how you photograph or not, seeing a picture of a real person really makes a difference to consumers.
Show your expertise on direct mail pieces by offering helpful advice to your insurance prospects. Topics could include how to save money on insurance or how to assess your insurance coverage needs.
Mail your insurance marketing postcards to the same addresses a couple of times instead of just once to build familiarity.
Don’t limit yourself to just plain old paper when advertising for insurance. If you have the budget, consider items people are less apt to throw away, magnets or notepads with your insurance contact information on them.